NOMOR | Nama Siswa | KD1 | |
Urt | Induk | ||
1 | 17630 | ACHMAD PRASETYAWAN | 81 |
2 | 17631 | ADRA ALHAFID | 74 |
3 | 17632 | ALFIAH FITRIANA | 66 |
4 | 17633 | ANIK RACHMATUL LAILI | 83 |
5 | 17634 | ARYA BAYU PAMUNGKAS | 82 |
7 | 17636 | CINDY MELINDA | 40 |
8 | 17637 | DIAN WULANDARI | 88 |
9 | 17638 | FEBRY WICAKSONO | 83 |
10 | 17639 | FERDY ARDIANSAH | 71 |
11 | 17640 | FITRAH AZIFATUS SHUFI | 76 |
12 | 17641 | FITRI PUJI ASTUTIK | 82 |
13 | 17642 | FITROTUL AUWALIN | 81 |
14 | 17643 | GALUH PURWATI | 80 |
15 | 17644 | IQBAL DZIKRULLOH ROSADY | 77 |
16 | 17645 | LIRA DEWI SUFI RATU NEGORO | 72 |
17 | 17646 | LISTYA PRASITA SARI | 57 |
18 | 17647 | M. AGIT ROMADON | 83 |
19 | 17648 | M. WILDAN KAUTSAR | 79 |
20 | 17649 | MA'RIFATUL ISMIYATI | 81 |
21 | 17650 | MIFTAKHUL NUR HIDAYAH | 80 |
22 | 17651 | MOH GANESHA EDITYA ARTA | 81 |
23 | 17652 | MUCHAMMAD ANDRE FEBRI | 85 |
24 | 17653 | MUHAJIR BIN ABD. LATIF | 82 |
26 | 17655 | NADIA ANGGIE AYU P | 85 |
27 | 17656 | NASA JULANDA | 76 |
28 | 17657 | NILA ARFIYANTI | 72 |
29 | 17658 | NUR ISNAINI | 82 |
30 | 17659 | NUR RACHMA WATI SUGIANTO | 84 |
31 | 17660 | NURUL JANNAH | 81 |
32 | 17661 | PAMBARE SUPRIYADI | 73 |
34 | 17663 | RENIKE PRIHASTUTI | 76 |
35 | 17664 | SITI MUTMAINNAH | 82 |
36 | 17665 | SUSANTIKA DEWI ANGGI | 70 |
37 | 17666 | SYAFRIZAL ZAKY UBAID | 77 |
38 | 17667 | TSANI NAHDLIYAH | 73 |
39 | 17668 | YOUNGKI INDRA PRATAMA | 78 |
40 | 17669 | YURIKE AYU LESTARI | 83 |
Peta Interaktif
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Welcome to the MapMaker Interactive
This tutorial explains how to explore National Geographic Education's interactive GIS mapping tool and tools for customizing outline maps for print.
Use the zoom bar to go from a world view to a local view (or in cartographic terms, from a large scale to a small scale). If you zoom out to a world view, you will see that the map is in a Mercator projection.
Use the location menus at the top to zoom from a world view to a continent, country, or other region.
Identify your geographic position on the map using the latitude and longitude display at the bottom left. The latitude and longitude values change as you pan around the map.
Switch between different styles of base maps including a custom layer from National Geographic, satellite, terrain, and topographic views.
Using the 1-Page base map, click on a continent, country, or state to load the corresponding MapMaker 1-Page map.
The tabs on the left offer different tools for working with the map: themes, drawing tools, and markers. Open and close the tabs by clicking the arrows.
Use the transparency scroll bar to change the transparency of map layers. This is a useful tool when you are viewing more than one layer at a time and want to explore relationships between layers.
Notice that not all layers can be viewed at every zoom level. Some map layers will become unavailable when you zoom in to a large scale.
Use the Drawing Tools tab to access tools that allow you to draw lines and shapes and add labels to your map.
Use the Markers tab to find markers that you can drag and drop on the map. You can adjust the marker size to meet your needs.
The measure tool lets you measure distances on the map in either miles or kilometers. Select the tool, click once on the map and move your mouse. Click again and the distance value will appear along your line segment. Keep clicking and panning to measure additional segments and the total distance will display at the end of your line, by the cursor. Double-click to finish and select the arrow tool when you are done measuring.
You can download your map as either an image file to include in a report or presentation or as an XML file that you can re-open. The XML file type is helpful if you are creating a custom map and want to come back to it to work on later.
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